Complete Python

Welcome to the world of Python programming! Our Complete Python Mastery course is a comprehensive and structured program designed to take you from a beginner to an advanced Python developer. Python is one of the most popular and versatile programming languages, known for its simplicity, readability, and wide range of applications. Whether you’re new to coding or an experienced developer looking to add your skill set, this course will provide you with the knowledge and expertise to excel in Python programming.

Python Programming Course Objectives

  • Understand the fundamentals.
  • Develop problem-solving skills.
  • Learn advanced features and libraries.
  • Build real-world applications.

Complete Python Programming Course Highlights

  • Introduction
  • Setting Up Your Development Environment
  • Python Basics
  • Functions and Modules
  • Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
  • File Handling and Data Persistence
  • Exception Handling and Debugging
  • Database Integration
  • Web Development
  • Data Science and Visualization
  • Machine Learning and AI 
  • Real-World Projects
  • Software Development Best Practices
  • Certification

Who Should Enroll our Python Programming Course

  • Aspiring programmers and developers
  • Students and individuals looking to start a career in programming
  • Experienced developers aiming to master Python for various projects
  • Data scientists, machine learning enthusiasts, and web developers

Complete Python Programming Certification Course Outline

Module-1: Introduction to Python

  • Introduction to Programming
    • What is programming?
    • History 
    • Applications using in various industries
  • Setting Up Your Development Environment
    • Installing software
    • Choosing and setting up code editors (VS Code, PyCharm, etc.)
    • Introduction to Integrated Development Environments (IDEs)

Module-2: Complete Python Basics

  • Variables and Data Types
    • Variables and assignment
    • Basic data types (integers, floats, strings, booleans)
  • Operators
    • Arithmetic operators
    • Comparison operators
    • Logical operators
  • Control Flow
    • If statements
    • For loops
    • While loops

Module-3: Functions and Modules

  • Functions
    • Defining and calling functions
    • Function arguments and return values
    • Lambda functions
  • Modules and Packages
    • Importing modules
    • Standard libraries
    • Creating and using packages

Module-4: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

  • Classes and Objects
    • Defining classes
    • Creating objects
  • Inheritance
    • Inheritance principles
    • Overriding methods
  • Polymorphism
    • Polymorphism concepts
    • Abstract classes and methods

Module-5: File Handling and Data Persistence

  • File Handling
    • Reading from and writing to files
    • Working with different file formats (txt, csv, json)
  • Data Persistence
    • Storing data in files
    • Serialization with pickle

Module-6: Exception Handling and Debugging

  • Exception Handling
    • Try, except blocks
    • Handling specific exceptions
    • Raising exceptions
  • Debugging
    • Debugging tools and techniques
    • Using debuggers in IDEs

Module-7: Database Integration with Python

  • SQL Basics
    • Introduction to SQL
    • SQL queries
  • Connecting to Databases
    • Using SQLite 
    • Introduction to other databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL)

Module-8: Web Development with Python

  • Introduction to Web Development
    • Basics of web development
    • HTTP requests and responses
  • Django Framework
    • Setting up Django
    • Creating a simple web application
  • Flask Framework
    • Setting up Flask
    • Creating a simple web application

Module-9: Data Science and Visualization

  • Introduction to Data Science
    • Data science workflow
    • Overview of data science libraries
  • NumPy
    • Working with arrays
    • Mathematical operations with NumPy
  • Pandas
    • Data manipulation with DataFrames
    • Data cleaning and preprocessing
  • Data Visualization
    • Introduction to Matplotlib
    • Creating plots and charts with Seaborn

Module-10: Machine Learning and AI with Python

  • Introduction to Machine Learning
    • Machine learning concepts
    • Types of machine learning
  • Scikit-learn
    • Building machine learning models
    • Evaluating models
  • TensorFlow
    • Introduction to TensorFlow
    • Creating neural networks

Module-11: Real-World Projects

  • Web Application
    • Building a full-stack web application
  • Data Analysis
    • Performing data analysis on a real dataset
  • Machine Learning Model
    • Developing and deploying a machine learning model

Module-12: Software Development Best Practices

  • Documentation
    • Writing effective documentation
    • Using docstrings
  • Version Control
    • Introduction to Git
    • Using GitHub for version control
  • Unit Testing
    • Writing unit tests
    • Using testing frameworks (unittest, pytest)

Enroll Complete Python Programming Training Certification

  • Upon completion of the Complete python course, you’ll receive a Datapro certificate validating your expertise in Python programming.