 45 Days

PHP Course Contents

Welcome to the comprehensive PHP course! PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is a widely-used, open-source scripting language that is especially suited for web development and can be embedded into HTML. It’s a powerful tool for making dynamic and interactive web pages quickly. PHP scripts are executed on the server, which means that PHP is the backbone of many modern web applications and sites. Learning PHP opens the door to building robust server-side applications and developing your backend skills.

Why Learn PHP Course?

PHP is an essential skill for web developers for several reasons:

  • Ease of Learning and Use: PHP’s syntax is straightforward and easy to understand for beginners, yet it’s robust enough for professionals.
  • Community and Support: With a vast community and extensive documentation, finding help and resources to learn PHP is easy.
  • Cost-Effective: PHP is free to use and works seamlessly with various databases like MySQL, making it cost-effective for web development.
  • Wide Usage: Many of the world’s largest websites and platforms, including WordPress, Facebook, and Wikipedia, are powered by PHP.
  • Versatility: PHP can be used to develop a wide range of applications, from simple websites to complex enterprise-level applications.
  • Integration: PHP integrates well with HTML, JavaScript, and CSS, allowing for dynamic and interactive web pages.

PHP Course Training Modules

The course is divided into several comprehensive modules to ensure a deep understanding of PHP:

  • HTML Introduction
    • HTML Tags
    • Static Webpage Designing using Table Tags
  • JavaScript Introduction
    • Conditional Statements
    • While/For Loops
    • If. Else, Switch, Arrays
    • Functions
    • Validations
  • Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
    • Syntax, ID & Class
    • Styling Backgrounds on Different Controls
  • PHP Introduction
    • WAMP/LAMP Installations
    • Variables, Strings, Operators
    • If. Else, Switch, Arrays
    • While Loops, For Loops
    • Functions
    • Forms
    • GET Method/POST Method
    • Date/String Functions
    • Include/Require
    • Include Once / Require Once
    • Files
    • File Upload
    • Cookies
    • Sessions
    • E-mail Sending
    • Exception Handling
    • Filters
    • Introduction to OOPS
    • Abstraction/Encapsulation
    • Inheritance
    • Polymorphism
    • Abstract/Interface
  • XML Introduction
    • Advantages
    • Connection Functions
    • Writing in XML
    • Reading from XML
  • MySQL Database Introduction
    • Connection Functions
    • DDL Commands
    • DCL Commands
    • DML Commands
    • Aggregation Functions
    • Order By, Group By Functions
  • AJAX Introduction
    • Difference between JavaScript and AJAX
    • Advantages
    • Data Retrieving from PHP using AJAX
  • Introduction to CMS
  • Examples of CMS Packages

PHP Certification Course Benefits of Learning

Completing this PHP course offers numerous benefits, particularly if you’re aiming for a certification you will receive a datapro certification which is collaborated with NSDC.

  • Recognition: A certification demonstrates your proficiency in PHP, making you stand out to potential employers.
  • Career Advancement: PHP skills are in high demand, and certification can open up new job opportunities and career paths.
  • Practical Knowledge: The course provides hands-on experience with PHP, ensuring you can apply what you learn to real-world projects.
  • Foundation for Further Learning: Mastering PHP can be a stepping stone to learning other programming languages and technologies.
  • Networking: Being part of a certification program connects you with other learners and professionals, enhancing your professional network.

This PHP course is designed to equip you with the skills necessary to develop dynamic and interactive web applications, preparing you for a successful career in web development. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to enhance your existing skills, this course will provide you with the knowledge and confidence to succeed.