
DATAPRO ensures high standards of Skill Training and impartation of various Sector Skill Council Courses through an Objective and Impartial system of Assessment via third party, certifying candidates based on true merits in a timely and error-free manner, as per the regulatory bodies regulations from time to time.

Quality Measures

  • Every day, attendance is taken twice through a biometric device and cross-checked.
  • Absentees are called up by our PRO three times a week, and further intimation is given to their parents via letters and emails
  • Leave letters are being maintained
  • In case the students don’t turn up as per given time frame, an immediate message is sent to them for safety measures
  • On weekly basis exams are conducted and day-wise schedules are checked
  • Mock assessment and mock placement drives will be organized periodically to enhance confidence levels of students.
  • Identified irregular / Weak students will be provided intensive training for 100% compliance
  • On daily basis, movement registers are checked and duly signed
  • course duration and time table are displayed on the notice board
  • Food quality is being monitored at regular intervals
  • Any feedbacks or suggestions dropped in suggestion box are looked at in a perspective.